
New episode out every Thursday, Featuring a new manga, manwha, webcomic...

E83 - Golden Kamuy (Ch.22-29) 🅴

Sugimoto is still immortal and searching the Hokaido wilds for the escaped criminals with a treasure map to stolen Ainu gold tattooed onto their flesh. Nothing will stop him or Asirpa until they find ...

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Discussion - Best of 2022

2022 is coming to an end, and the OverMangaCast crew is taking a break from reading over the holiday season to rank the top manga of 2022. Each co-host is bringing their top 3 things we read this year...

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E82 - Klaus: The New Adventures of Santa Claus

Jacked Santa is back, and he's bringing all of comics with him. Klaus is back on Earth in modern times after spending an indeterminate time locked in the moon for participating in the Lunar Civil War....

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E81 - Oshi no Ko (Ch.1-20)

What's this? Someone slipped isekai nonsense past the gates. A doctor, Goro Amemiya, is tasked with delivering babies in the remote japanese mountains. However, one day he discovers his new patient is...

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E80 - Lookism (Ch. 1-14)

Daniel is your average overweight nerd, being picked on by literally everyone at his school. His poor mother has finally scrimped and saved enough to send him to a new school, hoping to give him a fre...

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Old Man Yells at Cloud - Objective Quality

No Read November is over, but unfortunately the first of December is a Thursday, so we haven't had any time to read something new. But don't worry, we've got Jacob our resident grump, and he's got eno...

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NRN 8 - The Last Airbender (2010)

No Read November is at its end, but not without a final boss of its own. Only a movie that is so far divorced from its source material that its creation is theorized to be out of spite could possibly ...

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NRN 7 - Alita: Battle Angel (2019) 🅴

No Read November punishes us for the folly of our ways, as what was supposed to be a run romp of uncanny valley eyes turns into a slog of blockbuster drivel. Alita is a cyborg who is found in a dump b...

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NRN 6 - Bleach (2018) 🅴

We continue No-Read November (for some reason), by taking a break from reading manga to watching live-action movies based on it. This week Ichigo Kurasaki and way too many of his friends fight superna...

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NRN 5 - Fullmetal Alchemist: The Revenge of Scar (2022) 🅴

No-Read November begins in full force! This month we're taking a break from reading manga, to watch some movies. Edward Elric accidently traded his brother's body and an arm and a leg to get a flesh b...

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