
New episode out every Thursday, Featuring a new manga, manwha, webcomic...

E72 - Platinum End (Ch.15-27)

Metropoliman has laid a sinister trap for the brave trio of heros; Mukaido's wife and child have been held hostage to spur a final battle. However, the fight is stealing away time his illness is ill-i...

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E71 - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood (Ch.26-44)

Jonathan Jostar is still trying to kill his adopted brother turned vampire Dio Brando. However, an ancient graveyard of knights being reanimated stands in the path of his revenge. Will he be able to h...

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E70 - Blue Period (Ch.13-25)

Yatora Yaguchi is still working hard to achieve his dream of making it into Tokyo University of Art. However, the work begins to take its toll as a mysterious rash begins to form. Will he be able to h...

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Discussion - Top 20 Banger Anime OPs

The OverMangaCast crew is on summer break, or at least they would be if Sam and Jae hadn't barricaded themselves in the recording studio and compiled a list of their top 10 anime ops respectively, and...

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E69 - Monster Musume (Ch.1-17) 🅴

So, I guess people on the internet really like monster girls, and it seems like people have decided to cash in on this with an ecchi manga about a young man named Kimihito Kurusu (Darling) finds himse...

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E68 - Mob Psycho 100 (Ch.1-19)

Shigeo Kageyama, otherwise known as Mob, is an average middle school boy, except for his increible latent psychic power. Working his part-time job with con-man turned phony spirit medium Reigen Aratak...

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Discussion - Power-Scaling 🅴

My favorite anime character can beat your favorite anime character; or why Goku could beat your dad in a fist fight! Why do nerds on the internet fight about things that don't matter? Like can Saitama...

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E67 - Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer (Ch.1-16)

Yuuhi Amamiya is a misanthropic college student who wakes up one day to a talking lizard telling him that he is a Beast Knight; a magical warrior destined to protect the Princess and help her stop the...

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E66 - Call of the Night (Ch.1-18) 🅴

Ko Yamori has insomnia. Exiled from the normal life he lived during the day, he prowls the city at night. While basking in the tranquil glow of neon and the moon, he finds out that he isn't alone, and...

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E65 - Eagle: The Making of an Asian-American President (Vol.2)

Its 4th of July time, so we dive back into the safety of fictional political shenanigans, as we follow the journey of international reporter Takeshi Jo as he covers the political career of the first s...

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