E166 - RWBY: The Official Manga
They made a RWBY manga that Matt and Jae wanted nothing to do with. This week, Sam and Jacob read and discuss RWBY: The Official Manga. Read along, meme along, or just yell at our bad opinions by foll...
Listen NowDecember 19th, 2024
Three sisters are cafe owners by day, and cat burglars by night. The middle sister has a tough time balancing the two though, as she's currently dating the main police detective trying to capture them; he also happens to be the stupidest man in Japan. This week, Matt, Sam, Jae, and Jacob read and discuss Cat's Eye by Tsukasa Hojo.
Read along, meme along, or just yell at our bad opinions by following @OverMangaCast on Twitter.
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They made a RWBY manga that Matt and Jae wanted nothing to do with. This week, Sam and Jacob read and discuss RWBY: The Official Manga. Read along, meme along, or just yell at our bad opinions by foll...
Listen NowT'is the season for Boxing and t'is the season for punching, so we're celebrating the only way we know how. This week, Matt, Sam, Jae, and Jacob read and discuss Hajime no Ippo by George Morikawa. Rea...
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